Your copy of PHP Form Builder is NOT authorized.
About PHP Form Builder License
use phpformbuilder\Form;
use phpformbuilder\Validator\Validator;
/* =============================================
start session and include form class
============================================= */
include_once rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/phpformbuilder/Form.php';
$current_step = 1; // default if nothing posted
if (isset($_POST['back-btn'])) {
$current_step = $_POST['back-btn'];
} elseif ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
if (isset($_POST['form-step-1']) && Form::testToken('form-step-1') === true) {
/* Validate step 1 */
// create validator & auto-validate required fields
$validator = Form::validate('form-step-1');
// additional validation
$validator->notStartsWith('robot', '<div class="callout warning">Sorry, I don\' really like robots ...</div>')->validate('human-or-robot');
if ($validator->hasErrors()) {
$current_step = 1;
$_SESSION['errors']['form-step-1'] = $validator->getAllErrors();
} else { // register posted values and go to next step
$current_step = 2;
} elseif (isset($_POST['form-step-2']) && Form::testToken('form-step-2') === true) {
/* Validate step 2 */
// create validator & auto-validate required fields
$validator = Form::validate('form-step-2');
if ($validator->hasErrors()) {
$current_step = 2;
$_SESSION['errors']['form-step-2'] = $validator->getAllErrors();
} else { // register posted values and go to next step
$current_step = 3;
} elseif (isset($_POST['form-step-3']) && Form::testToken('form-step-3') === true) {
/* Validate step 3 */
// create validator & auto-validate required fields
$validator = Form::validate('form-step-3');
// additional validation
if ($validator->hasErrors()) {
$current_step = 3;
$_SESSION['errors']['form-step-3'] = $validator->getAllErrors();
} elseif ($_POST['are-informations-correct'] < 1) { // back to step 1 with user message (wrong informations)
$current_step = 1;
$user_message = '<div class="callout warning"><strong>Wrong informations ! </strong> Please try again ...</div>' . "\n";
} else { // send email & go back to step 1 with user message (email sended)
$user_values = Form::mergeValues(array('form-step-1', 'form-step-2', 'form-step-3'));
/* translate boolean values to text */
$find = array('/0/', '/1/');
$replace = array('No', 'Yes');
$user_values['human-or-robot'] = preg_replace($find, $replace, $user_values['human-or-robot']);
$user_values['are-informations-correct'] = preg_replace($find, $replace, $user_values['are-informations-correct']);
$email_config = array(
'sender_email' => '[email protected]',
'sender_name' => 'Php Form Builder',
'recipient_email' => addslashes($_POST['user-email']),
'subject' => 'contact from Php Form Builder',
'values' => $user_values,
'filter_values' => 'form-step-1, form-step-2, form-step-3',
'sent_message' => '<div class="success callout"><p>Your message has been successfully sent !</p></div>'
$user_message = Form::sendMail($email_config);
$current_step = 1;
if ($current_step == 1) {
/* ==================================================
Step 1
================================================== */
$form_id = 'form-step-1';
$form = new Form('form-step-1', 'horizontal', 'novalidate', 'foundation');
// $form->setMode('development');
$form->addRadio('human-or-robot', 'I\'m a real human', 'real human');
$form->addRadio('human-or-robot', 'I\'m a robot', 'robot');
$form->printRadioGroup('human-or-robot', 'Are you a human or a robot ?', false, 'required');
$form->addBtn('submit', 'submit-btn', 1, 'Next <i class="fi fi-arrow-right append"></i>', 'class=button success');
} elseif ($current_step == 2) {
/* ==================================================
Step 2
================================================== */
$form_id = 'form-step-2';
$form = new Form('form-step-2', 'horizontal', 'novalidate', 'foundation');
// $form->setMode('development');
$form->addOption('how-did-you-come-here', 'By foot', 'By foot');
$form->addOption('how-did-you-come-here', 'By plane', 'By plane');
$form->addOption('how-did-you-come-here', 'By car', 'By car');
$form->addOption('how-did-you-come-here', 'By boat', 'By boat');
$form->addOption('how-did-you-come-here', 'By bike', 'By bike');
$form->addSelect('how-did-you-come-here', 'How did you come here ?', 'class=select2, required');
$form->addBtn('submit', 'back-btn', 1, '<span class="fi fi-arrow-left prepend"></span> Back', 'class=button warning', 'btns');
$form->addBtn('submit', 'submit-btn', 2, 'Next <i class="fi fi-arrow-right append"></i>', 'class=button success', 'btns');
} elseif ($current_step == 3) {
/* ==================================================
Step 3
================================================== */
$form_id = 'form-step-3';
$form = new Form('form-step-3', 'horizontal', 'novalidate', 'foundation');
// $form->setMode('development');
$form->addHtml('<p class="lead"><strong>You are human, you came here ' . strtolower($_SESSION['form-step-2']['how-did-you-come-here']) . '.</strong></p>');
$form->addRadio('are-informations-correct', 'Yes, Excellent', 1);
$form->addRadio('are-informations-correct', 'Absolutely not', 0);
$form->printRadioGroup('are-informations-correct', 'Are these informations correct ?', false, 'required');
$form->addHelper('Enter your real e-mail if you want to receive results', 'user-email');
$form->addInput('email', 'user-email', '', 'E-mail', 'required');
$form->addBtn('submit', 'back-btn', 2, '<span class="fi fi-arrow-left prepend"></span> Back', 'class=button warning', 'btns');
$form->addBtn('submit', 'submit-btn', 3, 'Submit <i class="fi fi-arrow-right append"></i>', 'class=button success', 'btns');
$form->addPlugin('icheck', 'input', 'default', array('%theme%' => 'square', '%color%' => 'green'));
// jQuery validation
$form->addPlugin('formvalidation', '#' . $form_id);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Foundation Simple Step Form - How to create PHP forms easily</title>
<meta name="description" content="Foundation Form Generator - how to create a simple Step Form with Php Form Builder Class">
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<!-- Foundation CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- foundation icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<?php $form->printIncludes('css'); ?>
<h1 class="text-center">Php Form Builder - Simple Step Form<br><small>follow steps to complete</small></h1>
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid-x grid-padding-x">
<div class="small-10 small-offset-1 medium-8 medium-offset-2 cell">
if (isset($user_message)) {
echo $user_message;
<legend>Simple Step Form</legend>
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
// destroy the validator if we click a back button
$('button[name="back-btn"]').on('click', function() {
var form = forms['<?php echo $form_id; ?>'];